Felix van Lammeren
Van Marle Mortgages enabled me to finally get a clear picture of my financial situation
Retiring was quite a big life change for me. I was a cancer surgeon and surgery professor for 30 years, and my wife was working as a midwife. When I retired in 2015, I really got that first-day-of-summer-vacation feeling you have as a schoolchild. But we quickly found our feet and we are really enjoying this stage of our lives. From a financial viewpoint nothing really changed. I met Jack van Marle when I was fifty, and ever since I’ve had a clear picture of my financial future.
Financial choices
Since her university days, my wife had been a member of a national advice organization for health care professionals. When your career is just starting out, you have to make a lot of financial choices, and we followed the advice they gave us. We moved from Amsterdam to a smaller town near the German border and I had to buy into my medical practice. Because of the move my wife sold her midwife practice in Amsterdam. She chose to stay home with our children for a few years, and later worked at a hospital as a midwife. The financial choices we made at the start of our careers had a big impact, not only on our standard of living but also on our ability to build a nest egg. Looking back, I realize that we would have been better off if we had opted for customized advice geared towards our specific situation.
Excellent Advice
Fifteen years into my career, Jack van Marle was the first person who asked me what I wanted my pension to look like. A good doctor asks good questions, and clearly the same goes for financial advisors. Previous advisors had never asked me what I wanted, or explained my various options to me. They just presented me with a lot of insurance policies and I simply believed that was the way things were done. But looking back, I now know things could have been handled much better: A customized financial plan, suited to our lives and to our wishes for the future. Thankfully this time around, about fifteen years before my retirement, we did receive great advice.
Financial planning
Of course, a medical specialist can’t complain when it comes to income. But just as quickly as the money comes in on the one end, it disappears on the other end, being spent on disability and liability insurances, taxes, mortgages and pension payments, and earlier in my career on fees for the practice as well. And when I tell you that medical specialists are no financial experts, I’m not only speaking for myself, but for many of the health care professionals around me. So I was very happy with the financial plan Jack made for me in 2000, which enabled my wife and I to start working on fulfilling all our financial goals. When I received a financial scan at my pension fund in 2013, they were impressed by my financial planning. They told me they didn’t often see one like it, and I feel all the credit goes to Van Marle Mortgages’ expertise and competence.
Advice for health care professionals
We are lucky to have a comfortable pension that will last us for many more years. As a trainer of surgeons and doctors of tropical medicine I’ve always wanted young doctors to be able to have a good financial future. I would like to urge them to seek financial advice at the start of their career, with an advisor who is able to explain their various options to them very clearly, and who can give them a clear picture of their financial situation. Know that you’re in charge of your financial future, and find someone you trust. For us that someone is Van Marle Mortgages.
Financial planning
Now more than ever, people are expected to take responsibility for their own financial health. This means sometimes having to make complex decisions. Van Marle Mortgages is synonymous with comprehensive financial services, and will give you a complete and thorough overview of your personal financial situation. This overview, together with our advice, will help you to make the best decisions for your financial well-being. By taking responsibility for the bigger picture, we enable you to live comfortably in the present and in the future. Of course, our motto Ne Quid Nimis – everything in moderation, never too much, is key here too. You tell us what your goals are, and we arrange for a comfortable implementation of your financial planning.
Who are our clients?
Everyone living in the Netherlands is responsible for their own financial planning, and as such we all have to answer questions like: “What will my income be like once I retire?” and “What will happen when I am unable to work?” The answers to these questions rely on your current income, plus your mortgage, life insurance and all other insurances against loss of income. A financial planning done by Van Marle Mortgages means having peace of mind because your affairs are in order. Based on our assessment of your wishes, we will write a financial plan where we take into account your mortgage and capital growth, as well as your insurances, life insurances, your savings and investments and of course taxes. We ask the same question of private individuals as we do of entrepreneurs, health care professionals and expats: “What do you want your life to look like, now and in the future?”
It’s in the nature of Dutch people to want to insure themselves against risk as much as possible. Van Marle Mortgages wants to help you insure against risk, but not until we’ve taken a good look at the potential consequences of these risks. That way you can make an informed decision about which risks are acceptable to you, and for which unforeseen events you prefer to take out an insurance. Based on this decision we’ll create a tailor-made a financial planning designed to give you maximum peace of mind – Ne quid nimis.
How may we help you?
Van Marle Mortgages’ comprehensive financial services offers you peace of mind and excellent results.
How may we help you? Please visit us for a no-obligation appointment. Using the CALL ME BACK form is a quick way for us to contact you, but of course we are more than happy to hear from you via phone or e-mail as well. We hope to see you soon!